
Class 2 - Year 1 & 2

Welcome to class 2

Hello and welcome to all Year 1 and 2 children, parents and carers in our mixed-age Key Stage 1 class. Our children are encouraged to become confident, inquisitive learners through our broad curriculum which focuses on giving them the skills needed to succeed as they continue their school journey. We work hard to give children a variety of experiences that aims to make children enthused, engaged and excited about their learning. 


Children will receive a weekly spelling list every Monday ready for our 'quiz' on a friday morning. This is further supported with games provided via the Spelling shed website. Children are also encouraged to access Numbots to develop their Maths fluency 3 times per week. Login details can be found at the front of their reading journals. 


Children will be allocated a weekly e-book. This will be fully decodable and in line with your child's reading ability as well as their work in Guided Reading. They will be able to access this via the Collin E-book website and app - login details can be found at the front of their reading journals.

Children will also be sent home with 2 sharing books per week. We encourage the children to be independent in choosing these texts. These books will not be fully decodable and we ask that you read these books alongside them or to them to help promote a love of reading as well as expanding their vocabulary. 

We ask that any reading is recorded in your child's reading journal. 


PE takes place each Thursday afternoon and kit is a white t-shirt, navy shorts and pumps/trainers.  

If you have any concerns or questions, Miss Foster or Mrs Tate is always available for a chat and can also be contacted via the Dojo app.