

Welcome to your PTA
The PTA has been an integral part of our school community for many years and raised many thousands of pounds, which have been spent on improving equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education and the facilities in the school. The PTA also exists to provide a closer link between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school.
Not all events are run just as fundraisers, our children’s discos, cinema nights, bingo nights are run with the aim of giving children and adults a fun time.
The funds raised are used for the ‘extras’ not provided by the school budget. We always endeavour to spend our funds in ways that will benefit all pupils throughout the school.

How to Get Involved:
All parents and members of the school community can get involved if they want, even if they only have a small amount of time available, serving drinks at an event .  The informal meetings are an ideal time to hear about how you can help or get involved or ask a member of the committee or at the school office. We are always extremely grateful to receive donations. These can be items for sale such as cakes or donations for raffles. We are always looking for new ideas so please do not hesitate to get in touch to share your suggestions. 
Committee for 2023/2024:
Mrs Amanda Wilcox  (Chairperson)
Mrs Laura Booth (Secretary)
Mrs Lorna Porter (Treasurer)
Mrs Karen Mowbray & Mrs Kathryn Holcroft (School Representative) 
or call into the school office for more info.
Mrs Amanda WIlcock

PTA Chair

Mrs Laura Booth

PTA Secretary

Mrs Kate Harney
Mrs Holly Tinsley
Mrs Amanda Meir
Miss Hannah Tofalos
Ms Kelly Rushton