

A big thank you to all our families who take attendance and punctuality seriously.  We are really grateful to you for getting your child in on time so that they can learn as much as they possibly can. 

Our target for the whole school attendance is 97%.

Every child has the right to attend school every day.  Casual attendance and frequent absence really has a detrimental effect on children's education and emotional development.  At Glazebury CE Primary School, everyone has their part to play in ensuring that all children attend regularly.  We want our school to have the best attendance and punctuality, so that our children can learn as much as they possibly can.
Parent/Carer roles:
- Make sure your child attends every day.
- Notify the school as soon as possible if your child is going to be absent.
- Try to make all medical appointments (doctors, dentist and hospital) out of school time.     Obviously, this is not always possible but, in such cases, try to minimise the disruption to the day by getting an early morning appointment so that your child can attend school afterwards or a late afternoon appointment so that they can complete most of the school day. 
- Encourage your child to take responsibility for being on time for school, ensuring they have a realistic bedtime and will not be too tired to get up in the morning for school.  Prepare       equipment the night before.
- Discourage your child from staying overnight with friends during the week.  This sometimes leads to them both being late (or not attending at all) the next day.
- Talk positively about going to school.
- Work with the school and local authority to help them understand their/your barriers to   attendance.
- Proactively engage with the support offered to prevent the need for more formal support.
- If your child is on an attendance support plan/attendance contract, ensure they undertake the actions that have been agreed.
- Monitor your child's internet and social media use to ensure they are not experiencing any   difficulties that may prevent them from wanting to attend school.

 Normal school hours are as follows:

Our school day is from 8:50am to 3:15pm this equates to 32.5 hours

Classroom doors open at 8.45am.  Children should be sat at their desk for registration at 8.50am and ready to learn.

Breakfast club is available from 7:30am and Extended Provision is available until 5:15pm


Breakfast session 7.30am - 8.45am 
Morning session: 8.45am - 11.45am
Lunch - children can stay for lunch but this needs to be arranged in advance, please contact the school office.
Afternoon session: 12.15pm - 3.15pm

Extended Provision: 3.15pm -5.15pm 


Reception children:    

Morning session: 8.45am - 11.45am
Afternoon session: 12.15pm - 3.15pm


Key Stage One children ( Year 1 and Year 2):

Morning session: 8.50am - 12:00noon
Afternoon session: 1.00pm - 3.15pm


Key Stage Two children (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6):

Morning session: 8.50am - 12.15noon
Afternoon session: 1.00pm - 3.15pm

Collective Worship/Assemblies

Monday -           8:50am  Whole School Collective Worship - Christian Value
Tuesday -          9:00am (Flexible) Special Events
Wednesday -     9:00am Praise time singing, collective worship
Thursday -        9:00am Class based collective worship
Friday -             9.00am Celebration Collective Worship - Parents Welcome 



Parents are asked to ensure that children arrive in good time to start their lessons in the morning. If children are persistently late for school, their parents will be asked to discuss how the situation can best be resolved, in the best interests of the child’s education. Classroom doors open at 8.45am.  Children should be sat at their desk for registration at 8.50am ready to learn.


How to inform us if your child is absent. 

Reporting of Absences - Parents are asked to inform school by speaking to the school office or leaving a message on the school absence line, detailing the full reasons of your child's absence.  If your child is ill, please advise us the full details of the illness and how long your child is going to be absent.  If parents have not informed the school about their child’s absence by 9.20am, they will be verbally contacted by a member of staff from the school office.


Absences due to Appointments - Children with medical appointments during term time must write in or bring into school an appointment card in advance of the appointment. 


Family Holidays in Term Time - Please be aware holidays in term time are not permitted. The Headteacher adheres to the DFE and Warrington Borough Councils guidelines and is unable to authorise any holidays in term time. 

Note: Family holidays during term time are NOT ALLOWED.


Illness Advice - Please click on the link below to access guidelines for further information regarding your child's absence due to illness or infection. It gives the recommended period for your child to be kept away from school and nursery.

Guidance on Infection Control in schools

Providing Information to Parents on their Child's Attendance

We will work with you every step of the way to ensure your child has the best possible attendance and do all we can to help you get your child to school on time every day.  

At the end of every half term we write to every family to inform you of your child's attendance both that half term and year to date.  We do this via colour coded letters as per our attendance chart to make this easily visual for you to see.  Our door is always open to discuss ways in which we can assist you.  Examples of these half termly letters can be found below.  We share and celebrate with children good attendance.