Welcome to our school ...Love never fails 1 Corinthians 13:8

Courageous Advocacy

Here at Glazebury CE Primary School, we encourage and support our children to be "courageous advocates".  This means they champion causes which are special and meaningful to them.  These may be global issues or matters far more personal and closer to home. 

We believe this develops resilience, teamwork, courage and independence and an understanding of the wider world and how they can help make it a better place, enabling our children to flourish. 

Schools unite to donate Christmas hampers to Helping Hands

 TWO Schools united to donate Christmas hampers and festive goodies to the Helping Hands Culcheth, Glazebury and Croft community group.

St Lewis’ RC Primary school in Croft and Glazebury C of E Primary School donated a festive collection of goodies to the Helping Hands a community group, run by volunteers that distributes essentials to those in need in the WA3 area.

Founder of Culcheth Glazebury & Croft Helping Hands, Wendy Maisey OBE, who is also a Borough Councillor in the ward of Culcheth Glazebury & Croft said, “Christmas is a time when we get together with friends and family and think about those less fortunate in our community who may be in need of help, or those who would benefit from a kind gesture. Our hampers will be going out to people throughout WA3 and I’d like to say a huge thank you to all at the children, staff and Parents at St Lewis’ and Glazebury C of E Primary school on behalf of the Culcheth and Orford Branches of Helping Hands, you really have made a big difference with your kindness”.


What a pleasure it was to hold a more traditional MacMillan Coffee afternoon this year! 
Year 6 children helped serve pupils and parents with cakes and PTA supported the event serving those all important cuppa's to keep us going.
We raised a fantastic amount of £412.69 on the day, well done everybody and thank you for your generosity and support. 
Well done Oscar who has been raising funds with his mum. Along with donated commission and free books, Oscar and his mum were able to provide the children of Alder Hey Hospital with over £1000 worth of books. This would not have been possible without the help of everyone who donated, they are very grateful for all your generosity. Oscar and his mum went to visit Alder Hey to hand over the books. 
Sophia decided she wanted to do something nice for everyone and to raise money for Derian House Children’s Hospice who support her family a lot. She decided to make cake boxes. In each box is a Mars bar, Rice Krispie cake, flapjack and malteser cake. At the time of going to press, she had raised £402 so far in donations. Well done Sophia, that is an amazing achievement!  We are extremely proud of your hard work and kindness. 
Our School Council organised a PJ day and asked for donations for Warrington Food Bank.
We were blown away by the generosity of our pupils/parents and carers.  Thank you so much to all for your kind generosity.  
Thank you to local charity Helping Hands for their wonderful donation of cakes which pupils enjoyed as part of the National Day of Reflection. 
Helping Hands supports the Warrington community and provides food parcels, clothing and other essentials for families in the local area. If you would like to find our about this fabulous charity, please visit www.helpinghandsoph.co.uk or call 07706 982 770. 
Glazebury Primary are delighted with resources they have been able to use from colleagues at Talk for Writing, who have been supporting schools and teachers across the country with topics adapted to the current home school environment many children are finding themselves in at the moment. All resources have been made available free of charge but Talk For Writing requested schools make a donation to Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). 
It was our pleasure to donate £50 for such a worthy cause. 

Congratulations to Eva, who decided to do a sponsored stair climb for charity.  She has raised £105 as of 25th April 2020, which she has decided to share out amongst worthy causes including: small presents eg boxes of biscuits for the police, binmen, postmen, local doctors and Holcroft Grange old people’s home.  Eva has said she is planning to donate the rest to Warrington Homeless Charity to help them with food supplies for the homeless.  Her family and school are very proud of her and her family have reminded us ‘People are so kind, this has been a reminder of that in these testing times’.

Please keep sharing the things you are proud of.


Sophia decided to get on her bike to raise funds for a charity close to her heart. By cycling 26 km on 26th April, she has raised some much needed cash for the RSPCA. Although Sophia was tired and ready to go home after cycling 20km, she managed that final push by going to see the newts and tadpoles through Windy Bank Woods. Well done Sophia, you are amazing!