This syllabus is based on a quest to discover more about ourselves, the world and God.
Religious Education in Church Schools
“The drive for excellence and effectiveness in Church Schools is paramount, but not merely because the Government says so. The enabling of every child to flourish in their potential as a child of God is a sign and expression of the Kingdom and is at the heart of the church’s distinctive mission.” (Chadwick 2012) [i]
Liverpool Diocesan Board of Education believes that the high quality Religious Education provided in our church schools is the key to enabling every child to flourish. Quality RE has the potential, more than any other subject, to have the most powerful and lasting effect on the child’s heart and mind. Religious Education provides opportunities for spiritual development and personal reflection. It develops children’s knowledge and understanding of the nature of religion and belief, it provokes challenging questions about meaning and purpose, truth and values, identity and belonging. Religious Education prepares children for citizenship in today’s diverse society. It enables them to develop sensitivity to and respect for others.
“ No other aspect of school life can ensure better than RE that school is experienced by staff and students alike not as a fact factory but as a laboratory for learning the values and virtues, attitudes and aptitudes which make for the wholeness of body, mind and spirit,”(Saxbee 2013)[ii]