School is closed for the Christmas Holidays from Friday 20th December 2024 and we re-open on Monday 6th January 2025. We would like to wish our Glazebury families a very merry Christmas and a happy and healthy 2025.

Our Governors

If you want to know more about our Governing Body please contact the school - 01925 949404

All Governors can be contacted via the school office either by email or by letter.  Please mark your envelope private and confidential and it will be forwarded to the named Governor.

Mrs Sara Makepeace-Taylor

Link Governor for: English and EYFS

Mr Stuart Roberts-Tighe

Link Governor for : Safeguarding, History/Geography, Admissions

Mrs Jennifer Morgan

Parent Governor for SEND

Mr Dave Beechey

Chair of Governors, Link Governor for Attendance, Art, DT, Admissions

Chair of Governors

Mrs Alice Richards

Vice Chair of Governors. Link Governor for: Math, PHSE

Vice Chair of Governors

Mrs Karen Mowbray

Head Teacher

Mr James Towey

Foundation Governor. Link Governor for Health & Safety, MFL, Science

Foundation Governor

Mrs Amanda WIlcock

Parent Governor link Governor for: Pupil Premium, Computing, Filter & Monitoring, PE