School is closed for the summer holidays from Wednesday 24th July and we re-open on Wednesday 4th September. We hope all our children have a wonderful summer break. Any emails will be dealt with on our return to school.

Our Police, Our Community

Victim Support Survey

If you have been a victim of crime in Cheshire in the last 3 years, the Commissioner needs your help.

The Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for commissioning local support services for victims of crime and funds a range of services which support victims.  Feedback from victims on the support they received or required as a result of being a victim of crime is vital to ensure services offered in the future meet victims’ needs. 

Between now and October 2020, the Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cheshire, along with Sarah Barnett (Independent Research Consultant), are completing a full Victim Needs Assessment.  The Victim Needs Assessment forms a review of existing services available to victims, highlights good practice and also identifies gaps and areas where improvement could be made.  Findings from the Victim Needs Assessment will inform the commissioning of victims’ services from April 2021 and beyond.

As part of this Victim Needs Assessment the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner are asking victims of crime to take part in this ‘Victims Voice’ Survey.

Your views and feedback are very important in helping to shape the services that are provided to victims in the future, whether or not you reported the crime to the police.

It is recognised that there are victims who do not report crime to the police and that these victims may still need support to cope and recover.  It is therefore vital that support is available and offered to all victims, regardless of whether the crime has been reported to the police.

We want to hear what services helped you to recover following a criminal offence and whether you felt adequate support was provided when you needed it most.  We also want to learn what services you think should be available to victims in the future.

This survey is anonymous and will take around 10 minutes to complete.  To complete the survey, please follow the link below:-

Our Police, Our Community
The Police are part of our Glazebury family and are part of the frontline staff that keep us all secure and safe. Our Community Police officers want to make sure that you know they are here for all and are sending you messages each week. There are important pieces of information for you and some fun activities.  Please click the powerpoints below to see. 
 You can follow your local police updates on social media: 
Facebook :
Twitter: @CulGburyCrofPol