
School Meals

The Warrington school meals catering service provides your child with healthy, filling and nutritional meals every school day. We provide meals to all Warrington primary schools, Green Lane school and sixth form college, Foxwood school and sixth form college, and Woolston Brook school.

School meals are available to reception children right up to sixth form college students.  From 1st September 2024 meals are £2.80 per day, however all state-funded infant school children (i.e. those in reception, year 1 and year 2) now receive a free school lunch.

Meal quality and menus

A balanced diet gives children energy, helps them to concentrate in the classroom and teaches them the importance of being healthy as they grow into adults.  As part of the school lunch a pupil will receive a two course meal with a drink.  This will include a protein item accompanied with potatoes, rice or pasta and fresh vegetables, a dessert and a drink.  

All food and drink meet the government's standards. Food is prepared on site using fresh ingredients, and we don't transport food from one school to another (unless an emergency situation arises).

We cater for vegetarian, multi-cultural and other special dietary needs. Please contact us with any specific concerns or requests. 

Warrington Borough Council - School Meals price increase from 1st November 2024

Please be advised that the cost of a school meal is set to rise from £2.60 to £2.80 from November 2024, resulting in an overall weekly increase of £1 per child. 

This is the first price increase in school meals since 2019 as the council has prioritised supporting families in these times of hardship. Where possible, the council will continue to subsidise services where it can and are looking at support for those families that are struggling but are not eligible for free school meals. Further information on this will be shared in the new academic year. 

 The three weekly rolling menu detailing each day’s main course and dessert, with the additional daily offer of a vegetarian option and jacket potato will remain in place.  The school meals service will continue to provide a high-quality service that delivers healthy, nutritious meals, caters for all allergens and dietary requirements, and is served in a safe environment on our school premises. We will continue to offer theme days, treat lunches and inviting families to join children for special lunches through the year