
Collective Worship

Collective worship provides the opportunity for all children and staff to reflect, sing and pray together. As a church of England school this is a daily occurrence. 
"Growing at the heart of God's community"
Our collective worship develops around the Christian values for each half term, this is dedicated time for the school to come together in Jesus's name.
We incorporate our Christian Values passports for awe and wonder in class worship and ensure dedicated time in each half term for British values and celebrating diversity through acknowledging those from black and ethic backgrounds that are inspirational and part of our culture.
We encourage all children to be a part of collective worship and are developing leadership of worship through our Ethos Group.
Our Glazebury Christian vision - our promise to all children:
H-Helping children to prepare for life, growing with God
E-Embracing Christian values
A-Achievement for all
R-Reading at the heart of our school
T-Teaching through a knowledge rich curriculum.
The value of Forgiveness: 

“But if we confess our sins to God, he can always be trusted to forgive us and take our sins away” 1 John 1:9

Collective Worship timetable
Monday: Whole school worship (9.00-9.20am)
Tuesday: Class worship -children's voice
Wednesday: Whole school 'Praise' worship (9.00-9.20 am)
Thursday: Class worship - link to value passports
Friday: Whole school Celebration worship  (2.45- 3.10pm)